The Viriditas Chapel
The Viriditas Chapel of Perpetual Adoration is a VR experience inspired by the visions and music of Hildegard von Bingen.
Hildegard von Bingen was an 12th century abbess in the valley of the Rhine in present day Germany. She was a mystic, a scientist, a composer and a writer. In 2012 she was declared Doctor of the Church, among luminaries such as Theresa of Avila, Thomas Aquinas and Augustine of Hippo. Viriditas is a guiding concept in her thinking. It expresses the vital power of nature, specifically of plants. Within this context, she imagined Jesus Christ to be a flower that blooms on the branch that is the Holy Virgin. It is this idea, combined with her vision of the cosmos in an eternal embrace of the divine, that inspired the Viriditas Chapel.

O greenest branch whose breath inspires the wonder of saints. Hail!
When you bloom in your branches the heat of the sun flows from you like ointment. In you a beautiful flower blossomed whose fragrance awakened all that was withered. And all emerged in full vigor!
The Viriditas Chapel of Perpetual Adoration is released free of charge as a Virtual Reality application. In it you approach the altar of the chapel reverently and kneel down to meditate assisted by the heavenly sounds of Hildegard's musical poem O viridissima virga.
Cathedral-in-the-Clouds is an umbrella project for the creation of contemplative art inspired by Christian narratives and iconography in the context of contemporary culture. The digital cathedral is being built piece by piece by artists Auriea Harvey and Michael Samyn, formerly Tale of Tales, now Song of Songs.
The Viriditas Chapel of Perpetual Adoration is published as part of FoAM's Anarchive.
Art by Michael Samyn
Music: Hildegard Von Bingen's "O viridissima virga ave” as sung by Stevie Wishart 's ensemble Sinfonye in Douai Abbey, England
Patrons are Maja Kuzmanovic & Nik Gaffney
Part of FoAM Anarchive
Published by Liminous Editions
Created: 13 Oct 2022 / Updated: 14 Feb 2023