RADMIN - A Reduction

Tags: Event Management Therapy / business retreat / artistic withdrawals / event collapse / polyphonic practices / periodic conversation / grey areas / new occupations / old grounds.
Locations: Wherever you are in the UK / North Devon, England / Online.
RADMIN - A Reduction is an invitation to all administrators (by which we mean everyone) to venture off-plan and out of familiar limits. Expect small group conversations, synchronised solo adventures, a replenishing focus and longterm implications. The concentration is on organisation and contemplation, relinquishing the map of what might have been. In the process we will be going into the black, in mid-winter, with stars above, to explore new event horizons with unknown dimensions.
Organising in and for uncertainty is a current and critical condition in the arts and in business, as elsewhere. For RADMIN - A Reduction we will abandon pre-planning and assemble in time, to tune our attentions, improvise agreements and see what events emerge. In the process we will practice arts of collective decision-taking, speculate on prosperity, retreat into our unique locations and luxuriate in company. Activities might include faith based operations such as ghostly encounters, fire making, special delivery systems and identity loss.

This is a UK wide programme with potentially cosmic perspectives. RADMIN – A Reduction will seemingly emanate out of North Devon in England. However the programme will also work with multiple forms of radministrative possibility, melding presence and telepresence to welcome those disinclined or unable to travel.
Some dates will be fixed, but we will to an extent be able to work with individual scheduling needs. Time commitment is approximately 5 hours per week for 5 weeks.
To date RADMIN has appeared in the shape of a summit, a festival and a reader. Its radical and delicate proposal is to reconsider administration as not just an infernal condition of life – an endless stream of demands from outside forces – but also a site for action and intervention, intrepid experiments, new solidarities and meaningful work.
This time RADMIN will reduce its dependence on pre-planned agendas, structured doings or anticipated knowings and move knowingly into the black. Traditionally, going 'into the black' follows the business practice of producing greater earnings than expenses. But what are the assets, liabilities and equity at stake in our habitual ways of organising? If we humans are to get out of the red there is a burning need to foster, recharge and revalue skills for managing events in a wildly changing world.
The thinking behind RADMIN – A Reduction mixes influences and experiences from sport art, street art, net.art, trade art, systems thinking, survival skills, event management, social clubs, DIY, (feral) business coaching and weak theory. It is organised by Chiz Williams, Kate Rich and Heath Bunting whose paths have crossed at the edges of art and culture for the past 20 years, in places including the Cube Cinema Ltd and RADMIN 01, Britain's first festival of Administration.
RADMIN is diversely supported and resourced by: SHED and TBC
RADMIN 01 A festival of Administration
RADMIN 02 A Reader
Participant call:
We invite applications from organisers, artists, event makers, participants in culture-making organisations, small business operators and others working with or curious about radical and experimental ways of organising. Individuals and small delegations are welcome to apply.
Dates: Various from end of January 2021 for 5 weeks
How to apply:
Please send a maximum of one A4 page summarising your own practice of organising and your interest in RADMIN's agenda. Include a general statement of your capacity to commit to the hours required, and if there are specific dates or times you will be unavailable do state these. It will be possible to change your (un)availability closer to the time, as planning for RADMIN will by necessity bend to the ad hoc. Email your application to: radmin@cubecinema.com by midnight, Dec 13th 2020.
Participation fee £100 per person. (RADMIN pays participant).