Smoke & Vapour

[NL] Voed je lichaam én geest tijdens dit degustatiediner, dat is opgedragen aan water en vuur in hun etherische vorm. Smoke & Vapour is een artistiek experiment, een verstild moment waar de grenzen tussen eten en ademen vervagen. Oude en nieuwe rook- en stoomtechnieken worden gebruikt om een smeltkroes van nevelige smaken en geuren te creëren die zowel de zinnen als de verbeelding zacht strelen.
[EN] FoAM invites you to a degustation of smoke and vapour - the etherial phases of water and fire, infused in a select seasonal cuisine drawn from garden, forest and sea. Join us in a synaesthetic experiment where eating and breathing, food and sound commingle and dissolve. What does a smoked mushroom taste like when served on a cloud of rustling polyphony? What sound does a herbal infusion make while evaporating from a hot stone? In Smoke & Vapour, we explore sound composition and live improvisation as an integral part of a vegetal menu.
While you might be used to conversation being a key ingredient at a dinner party, in Smoke & Vapour we leave words behind to immerse ourselves in the rich experience of eating and listening. Let us guide you through a flowing sequence of tasting environments, each paired with dishes composed as edible soundscapes. We request the pleasure of your company for this evening of delectable stillness and sensual abundance, where the mundane world evaporates in crucibles of misty flavour, scent and sound.
Reservation only, places are limited. RSVP before 20 November
Entrance: €55 all-in, including the Open Sauces cookbook
Smoke & Vapour is a part of the Week van de Smaak festival
- Concept and design: FoAM Brussels
- Artistic direction: Maja Kuzmanovic
- Composition and live performance: Stevie Wishart
- Soundscapes: Stevie Wishart and Nik Gaffney
- Cuisinières: Maja Kuzmanovic and Rasa Alknsyte
- Mixologist: Pieter de Wel
- Ingredients supplied by Kosie Hidama, efarmz, Q-O2, Champigros and others