Concealed tangential architrave (Ship's log 12/12/12)
Posted Dec. 19, 2012 by Alkan Chipperfield12/12/12 12:12 Captain's Log (Ordnance Sea Urchin #2501)
After a few hours the majority of the crew seems to be arriving (mind lag) The first casualty happened, although not too serious. Boo! has been violated by rats. The doctor keeps him sedated while the agave wound heals. In the mean time, the craftsmen are building Boo! sized rat traps that he's wearing while hibernating (sun has disappeared, so his energy levels are low. The flotilla needs a kitchen extension (temporary)., in order to accommodate the vast numbers of cooks interested in contributing to the feast.
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Furious Purpose and I Blame Your Mother are silent for most of the afternoon. FP is catching up on sleep, IBYM seems disconnected from the flotilla activities and is immersed in his computer (seemingly doing something unrelated (but I could be mistaken). There are several people working on getting the digital fire going and even more are working on hanging a chandelier and a sundry of table decoration. Meanwhile portraits have been taken of each flotilla member, for posterity. Overall things seem to be running smoothly, but difficult to keep the shared purpose alive beyond individual revitalization.
Created: 15 Jul 2021 / Updated: 15 Jul 2021