The Art of Futuring Workshop

The Art of Futuring Workshop offers a hands-on experience of futuring techniques for artists, arts organisations and other members of the cultural proletariat.
The purpose of futuring is not to predict the future. Instead, futuring is a way to inform your decisions and actions in the present. It allows you to let go of the status-quo and imagine how situations could develop otherwise. Futuring can situate your visions and ideas in the wider contexts in which you operate. Imagining a range of possible futures can help you articulate coherent visions while also developing a capacity to adapt to whatever the future might bring.
At the workshop we will introduce futuring techniques through experiential learning. We will experiment with techniques for analysing the current situation and emergent signals. We will speculate on future scenarios and prototype futures as embodied experiences in the present. We will use these experiments to reflect on the futuring methods, on the applicability of futuring in the participants' work and life, and on the need for a more widespread futures literacy in uncertain times.
Workshop documentation:
The workshop is designed and facilitated by FoAM, as part of the Futurology of Co-Operation project by Anna Czapski & Diederik Peeters, supported by KASK, SPIN and Kunstenpunt.