Feral Business Training Camp - MOMENTUM 12

Feral Business Training Camp
First come first served - apply now!
Moss, Norway 15-18 June 2023
A programme of training and untraining in the grey arts of business, for artists and others, as part of MOMENTUM 12: Together as to Gather. Over the course of three days, we will delve into the detail of our own business and livelihoods, starting from an expansive definition of 'business' as 'any productive activity that could bring us sustenance'. This uncommon confluence of art and business is not about employing artists ' creativity in service of better business outcomes (or to decorate the foyers). It is also not an opportunity to boost our productivity with alternative business models, pitching or plans. Instead we will be getting experimental with the materials and nature of business itself, playing with new forms of confidence, and venturing together into the unknown of what else business could mean.
The Feral Business Training Camp takes 'training' as a motif for play, iteration and endless variation, rather than obedience or falling into line. The idea is to get out of our own patterns and into different ones, part of an ongoing process to unpick the knots of habit, routine, and avoidance that thinking about 'business' regularly inspires. It could be also considered as a form of resistance training: how to apply what we know politically, or sense viscerally, against burnt-out tropes of business competition, innovation, growth and progress, in the arts as elsewhere.
Participant call:
The Feral Business Training Camp is open to MOMENTUM 12 visitors and local practitioners alike. We invite applications from: artists, small business operators, artist-run and community initiatives, freelancers, collectives, creative administrators, and any others working with or curious about radical or experimental business practice. To attend, you are asked to 'Bring your own Business'. This can be in any form, from an established endeavour to a business idea or dream.
The Feral Business Training Camp will run Saturday June 17th to Sunday June 18th, 10-1530h each day, along with an opening presentation on the evening of Thursday June 15th. Participants must commit to the full course of events to secure a place. Possibility to carpool for those travelling from Oslo.
There is no monetary fee to attend, however you may be invited to negotiate with resources, in recognition that value does not always equal money.
How to apply:
Please send a maximum of one A4 page, summarising your own business / livelihood practice and your interest in the Feral Business Training Camp, template here. Email your application to: fbtc@feraltrade.org - applications will remain open so long as we have places to fill! Any questions about the programme or the application process – please contact us at the same email address.
Artist statement:
The Feral Business Training Camp is a programme by artist, trader and feral economist Kate Rich, whose work in unmaking business training builds on two decades of art-business practice. For more information on the Feral MBA see here.