The Effacement of Consequences Hip-Deep in the Thick Present #5. One way of thinking about infrastructure is as a machine for bringing you things from far away without your having to go and fetch them yourself.
Arts Thinking in a VUCA World A call for developing arts-based techniques – combining scientific evidence, technological development, and social dreaming with humility and flow – to create positive visions and support those who are acting on them.
Recovering Experts Dave Griffiths and Maya Weeks discuss everything from transporting Raspberry Pis on Sonic Kayaks to reenvisioning citizen science as a way to distribute research skills beyond academia and affect local policy.
The Thick Present / The Thin Ice Hip-Deep in the Thick Present #4. Working out what the work is is part of the work.
Experiential Dreamscapes One of the more powerful ideas when futuring is not around predicting what will happen, but imagining what might happen.
Breaking the Mochi... Written in the winter darkness of the southern hemisphere, Alkan Chipperfield's musings draw us into moments of infinite vastness and glimmering light. A gentle invocation of daylight's return.
Räucherwerk A sonic Räucherwerk closing circles and scrying paths through the nascent year. Futures written in wisps of smoke.
Voids within Voids In the liminal space between the years, we linger on the edge and gaze into the void. Press play at midnight. Notice how time warps around you.
Gathered & Scattered (Yuletide soundtrack) Ushering in the festive season, Lowdjo and FoAM invite you to grow worlds at the scale of your (dinner) table.
Seed Crystal An emerging soundtrack for FoAM's Anarchive, mixed by Lowdjo on winter solstice 2022-12-21
The Unbearable Lightness of Solarpunk Hip-Deep in the Thick Present #3. Solarpunk is sometimes claimed as a window on the future we could have if we were willing to make it happen. But as with all forms of science fiction, it is better seen as a window on the present.
Exercises in Attentiveness How do you know what you know? These field notes are thoughts in formation with an island that promises isolation yet never fully delivers detachment, where the past refuses to lie dormant in the present.
Gathered and Scattered On the remarkable possibilities for conviviality through screens and cameras, but also their limitations.
Worlds Within Worlds The complex physics of soap bubbles has lent itself as a dominant trope from which to understand and study the structure of the universe.
Within The Screened Circumference of the Minds Eye Beyond the 'reflected-real', the surface of a soap bubble returns us to certain phantasms of our own invention. Figures swim across its boundary surface – visions sensed beyond the shift of optics.
A World Replete Look upon a soap bubble's shimmering surface and allow the deluge of its shifting clouds of prisms to flood the mind.
A Mutable Symbol The soap bubble is a floating, shimmering thin-filmed sphere of almost nothing, and yet it evokes the whole world and many other distant worlds beyond it.
FieldAcademy - sensorial heritage A field-report by Anne-Florence Neveu of the Field Academy sessions exploring Amstelpark as sensorial heritage.
PIFcamp 2022, ePIFany Spending a week at PIFcamp (organised by Project Atol in Slovenia for the eighth time) next to the miracle that is a crystalline river running through a valley. This is what came to mind:
Arka Kinari (May/June 2022) A sign of life from Arka Kinari, sailing through Indonesia until October 2022.
ARTIS zoo residency Driessens / Verstappen Driessens and Verstappen bring their Spotter (AI) to ARTIS Amsterdam Royal zoo during the Machine Wilderness residency programme, here's what happened next:
ARTIS zoo residency Heather Barnett Heather Barnett is looking into ant behaviour at the zoo during the Machine Wilderness residency programme, here's what happened next:
Life, life support and the afterlives of (im)possible worlds How can stories, scenarios and situations enhance agency amid chaotic circumstances?
MonsterCode StrandLAB First public experiment in the MonsterCode research-line around Almere beach during the Summer Sessions at StrandLab Almere.